Tuesday, December 2, 2008


"Tell 'em Billy Maize sent ya." 
I'll tell them you sent me alright--sent me the hell away! I change the channel--I turn the TV completely off. How the hell have you been talking company after company into letting you do their commercials? It started with Oxy-Clean and the mighty putty shit. Now your on TV pitching insurance and all sorts of As-Seen-On-TV offers. Where does it end? For me, it ends the moment you open your big ass mouth and say, "Hi, Billy Maize here." That's my cue to grab the remote. Then, after you've been yelling your head off for two minutes, I'll return to the regularly scheduled program. It gets annoying to have to change the channel every other break because of you, but it's better than the alternative! 
"Tell 'em Billy sentchya."
Look, if a company feels that it has to hire the screaming man to shout up their product, then I ain't buyin'. On the contrary, I am boycotting any company lame enough to hire you, and hoping that they will fail so that, ultimately, you appear in commercial-land no-mo!

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