Saturday, December 13, 2008


Ok. Now this is just incredible. The last time I posted, I was railing about OJ and the gift God gave to the Goldman family doubling as a stern warning to us all. Our country is in huge trouble, and we are all just sitting in a handbasket to hell. 

Yep. OJ was God's doing in God's time. Why? To assert his presence. How? How bout this: it's no mere coincidence that OJ's guilty verdict came 13 years to the very day of his double murder acquittal. I mean, if you are really convinced that was some fluke or governed by some physics or otherwise, you have to realize the probability for such a phenomenon is laughably small. The trial was set for another day. This day was not conjured by a judge, a prosecutor, or the defense. It was God's doing. He wants credit for this. He wants all of our attention. He is still working on us to that end.

Case in point: Caylee Anthony. Casey Anthony. This monster of a mother with a pretty face thought she would coast through this one. Thought they'd never find the body. Thought she was smarter than the cops. Thought she could just string her family along for as long as she needed to get an acquittal and live her life "la bella vida." Her tattoo testifies to this. But you know what? God is merciful to her parents George and Cindy. God told them the truth. God's with Caylee, and they now will have some closure, be able to start to grieve. It's not Casey's Christmas, it's Caylee's. Now these people know the truth, and maybe they can finally sleep, and it's now Casey who can't sleep. It's Casey who deserves the loss, to put it as Shakespeare did in Macbeth, "of nature's balm." Now the devil's minion come in to save her in the court. But I think God'll have his say about that, too. Dr. Henry Lee will, over time, be eroded as a celebrity forensics expert. He'll start to be perceived as the shifty eyed devil's lover he every bit is. Mrs. Baden will start to appear the whore of Babylon--the whore with the golden chalice of blood in Revelation. These people are disgusting. The blood money--they just lap it up. They can save a murderer's ass, but they can't save their own souls. What a shame! Suck it up, Casey! You may very well be death row contestant #2, as there is only one female on Florida's death row right now. You'll be giving up all the sex with boys you surely loved, so lucky for you you'll have someone, even if it is a girl, to fool around with.

Now, the Obama freak-fools may believe anything this man says, but that's because they are foolish. This unbelievable silver-tongued snake lied his way through a campaign for presidency, and knows he's lying to the faces of America's public before he even starts his presidency. But somebody's damn sick of his corrupt mouth and the ease with which he lies. Remember Satan offered Christ the world as a temptation but Christ didn't take it. The problem is that Obama is no "one." In fact he's no better than a liar and crook. And he's responsible for the company that he keeps. Didn't everyone hear this admonishment from their mom at one point or another in their lives? Believe me, there is a machine in DC that wants Obama's ass in a sling, and I'm not convinced that the Clinton's are not behind this. And I'm convinced that God has set this ball in motion. Obama now has miles of God-given rope with which he will surely hang his self. Obama the great is going to be a fallen Obama. I think Blagojevich has it in for Obama, and plans to kick the stool out from under him after he ties the noose.

God doesn't take kindly to people who use Christianity as a platform for their politics. First, I don't believe Obama is Christian anyway, and second, if he ever had the faith, he sort of shit on it so much that it's unidentifiable except as crap.

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