Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Well, the press are finally putting the heat on omniscient-Obama. They are slowly getting the big picture--Obama doesn't know what he's doing. They won't leave him alone about Blagojevich, and now they see a theme emerging.

Remember now, Obama started off by saying that a) he had no contact with the governor (but we know that he must have had contact even if by proxy, because Blagojevich referenced his disappointment with the President-Elect for being willing to give only appreciation for appointing his good friend, Valerie Jarrett). Then he said b)at no time did he and the governor discuss his senate seat (thus implying that he had contact with the governor even if not on that topic, which means that "a" above, is a flat out lie. c) And now he's hiding behind the prosecutor's request, which he probably begged to get, because we now know through a press leak that his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel has had that conversation for Obama, allegedly supplying Blagovich a list of names that would be acceptable to Obama.

Anyway you dice this, Obama has lied--not once but 3 times--and not just on this matter. In an interview during the campaign. Here is a video with back to back flip flops all juxtaposed. Word!

Today he was hurling compliments to whatever press member he calls on, "my good friend from way back" and such. He sort of brown-nosed before the inquisition; however, it didn't deter the press from persistent questions about what involvement the Obama camp may have had with Blagojevich. And see, they know he's lying. They called him out on campaigning for transparency and now withholding information. Campbell brown called him out on laughing at the press who questioned him on the rather blatant inconsistency between appointing Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State and the statements he made previously during the campaign, which trivialized her foreign policy experience as "tea time" with world leaders. He consistently talks down to the press, and he should beware, because they can take him down. See, the truth is that Obama's in power now, and his whole campaign simply vanished. He will lie, as he's doing in the Blagojevich thing now, and has in the past, prefacing the new version of the "truth" with an "as I have said." Obama, you must have early dementia, because it seems you always remember your previous statement rather differently than the rest of the country.

And one more thing: you know that press conference he had today on his energy and agriculture heads? He did alright reading his speech in the beginning, but he didn't answer the question raised by one female reporter about what he meant by describing his energy team as different, to name the two energy resources of top priority, and would he drill for oil on federal lands.

Of course he doesn't know squat about any of this, so you better betcha he sounded rather patronizing as he repeated over and over in different words each time how he had soundly delegated the responsibility of answering those very questions to his new cabinet members. He either was extremely insulting to the intelligence of the press audience, or lacks the wit to understand how the excellent vocabulary he has does little to cover his lack of knowledge and more likely highlights the lack of substantive value in his words than camouflage that lack.

It's gettin' good! You know what I hope? Not everything in the Blagojevich scandal has come out yet, but with Resko in the mix, I'll bet Obama doesn't walk away unscathed. He was mad at Obama for his appreciation and nothing more, but now the question is--if he was not pandering to Blago, then why oh why would Emmanuel give Blago a list of favorites? Could it be that Patrick Fitzgerald is savy enough to realize that all Obama needs is some rope, and he'll hang himself? Wouldn't that be a great Christmas gift to our country?

Laughing my ass off, Obama, watching you squirm like the worm you are!

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