The Goldmans. Halleluia! OJ went away.
These two separate events are held together by a thin string, but when that involves God it might as well be steel cable.
And thanks be do God for showing the non-believers what immense love and care you have for those in need, those who grieve, those whose heart is broken.
still pending in God as Atlas with the whole world in his hands...
Justice for Caylee. Closure for George and Cindy (they must face the unbearable truth).
And the least of these is a petty one by a petty man, who lied about his faith to a whole country. Who can't get through one press meeting without telling a lie.
Obama, God's upset with you, but you have too much arrogance, pride, and are too self absorbed to catch the opportunity to right yourself before it's too late. You are an unknown risky quantity. The OJ story holds a lesson for you: get with God now, or you may find yourself finally humbled by losing everything dear to you, which--as far as I can see it--is the Presidency.
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