Monday, December 29, 2008

It's happening. Obama report used for denial of Gov's wrong doing: Implication is if Obama's not guilty neither is Gov. & if Gov is so is Bami

Ok. I've said this a couple of times on a couple of different comment threads, or possibly more than that, but here it is again.

Yep. It’s fun to play connect the people.
Blago’s atty addressing the state leg. this week basically saying you can’t impeach, you know you won’t, here’s why–everyone here talks this way but it’s as innocent as a dog who’s all bark no bite (ps. if anyone here wants to challenge that notion, I’m sure we can find something that’ll prove you a dog, too). So this attorney is talking, everyone’s listening.

People are glad the prosecutor is stepping in with these limitations. One has to wonder if Obama sought some cover through Fitz in the form of a week of dodging questions until the holiday could create some true distance.

The thing is that people are actually gullible enough enough to believe this liar–Obama–over and over. I didn’t know Wright was saying these controvesial things, and then he says he did. He didn’t know Ayers then, it was all about education. Resko–felon, convicted in political scheming–Obama’s Blagojevich’s–all have had real estate transactions involving Resko, but of course this has nothing to do with any criminal behavior on the part of Resko.

Look, I know I’m dreaming, but my absolute wet dream is that Fitz is scamming everyone else to get to Obama before he takes office.

I started that fantasy when I heard Fitzgerald stopped Chicago in the middle of a “crime spree,” and I’m thinking but why stop short of an overt act?

Stopping short of an act is much harder to prosecute, and then I thought–wait a sec–the best way to get to Obama is to give him leave to do what ever is necessary to distance himself. He’ll lie. Fitz has been taping these conversations long before the election was over. Obama will ruin his self.

Obama will ruin his self for sure. He’s so corrupt, and denying things is second nature to him. Just give Obama a little rope, and he’ll tie his own noose. Blago’s not going anywhere including jail.

I suspect all the foul mouthing of Obama was Blago’s indignation at him up on a phantom high horse.

Under the bus all right! I hope that Obama gets tossed, and I would like Blago to do it for any selfish reason he can think of. Bye bye Bama!
Huffington Post is a crock. These people regularly launch all sorts of horrible and senseless personal attacks on political and other figures, especially when they are conservative ones. But if you go to post a comment, you get this long list of potential reasons for which your comment will be censored. These are all lines you could potentially transgress, which they give as reasons for which they may refuse to post your comment.
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Thursday, December 25, 2008


You know, the more I think about the absolute imbeciles that populate this country. That exercise freedom of speech without regarding the incredible foundation that supports it, keeps it free, and keeps it safe to speak without restriction, the more that I become convinced that these people should be encouraged to have some respect for the nation that makes this possible in the form of get the hell out of the US and don't come back until you are so grateful that you are ready to kiss its soil. People just have no clue. They really don't. They think the US is oppressive but many don't realize that we have it so good here! Here's one shrivel little example: the United States has the least restrictive DUI laws. Some countries will take away your freedom for the rest of your life if you do this. Some execute you. Some revoke your privilege for the rest of your life. Here you get another chance, and your life is certainly not jeopardized for one DUI.

Yep. Advertise the opportunity to leave this wretched country. Offer some cash to reestablish life elsewhere, and send these haters far away. Let them come back groveling. I'm all for it. Put Obama, Ayers, Wright, that whole church, every single left-wing looney tooney on there and ship their asses far far away. Good riddance!

Yack! Yuck! Ew, ew, eeeewwwwww!

The one guy is our President-Elect and nauseating.
The other guy is a former Krishna Swami,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
This is some of what Wikipedia has to say about swami: "He has been described as a charismatic leader, in the sense used by the sociologist Max Weber, as he was successful in acquiring followers in the United States, Europe, India and elsewhere . . . ." You tell me. I knew these jokers looked a lot alike. Both look scary as hell, both look arrogant and snide. Both look evil. Both look rather full of themselves and detached except to their ego. One can argue these are merely appearances. I sometimes think, however, that much more than skin deep is revealed in a countenance. In any case, the swami is dead, and Obama is hopefully nothing more than a passing fad.

Cult leaders often have an inflated sense of self, even if their belief system teaches humility. Often the cult leaders aren't accountable for a sense of humility because they are considered human divinity.

All I can say is Ew! I'm glad I'm not Michelle Obama, because I believe the rumors about Obama having his dick sucked by fags like Larry Sinclair, it would be hard for me to be smarter than my husband but not be allowed to use my mind for my husband fearing he would be overshadowed, and finally, I would probably vomit after intercourse or intimacy in general. Ew!

Friday, December 19, 2008


The Obama circus never ceases to provide ample opporunity to blog EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY DAY!
I hope that Obama supporters are just a little ticked by now. I didn't support Obama, and I am really pissed at him. The reverend Jessie Jackson Sr. got upset with Obama for "talking down" to black folks. I'd take it one notch higher: he has insulted the intelligence of this country's citizens. Now, about the inauguration prayer problem: 1st: Obama is quick to lie when there's a scandal. He denied being present for controversial sermons in Wright's church; later he admitted he was present. He denied discussing or his staff being implicated in any sort of deal making w/ Blagojevich. My point: Obama is comfortable lying to us. Larry Sinclair in a press conference with his attorney alleged that Obama smoked crack while receiving fellatio from him on two occasions, prefacing his statements with a full disclosure of his drug usage, incarceration history, and sexual preference. Lucky for Obama, Sinclair's story escaped national reporting. Too bad Obama doesn't have the intelligence to let it rest. Picking Warren provides an opportunity to distance himself from gays without actually addressing the rumors about his self, but it will backfire. he's pissing off the gay community and they will address the Warren choice as a hypocrisy. Think of Obama as a crappy defense attorney who drops the ball for prosecutors. Where power is like a rope, Obama has enough to hang himself.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


If you are a huge Obama supporter, not only do I feel for you, but you may think my opinions scathing! I don't give a rat's ass. If I can express my absolute annoyance with idiots who vote for idiots, and the Obama idiot in particular, then I have less stress. It's theraputic. Besides, my neighbors probably get tired of hearing me scream at the image of him in my computer when he holds the next of an unquantified number of press conferences. 

Why the hell did this happen. This man knows zero! Just youtube and listen to him take questions from the press on anything since he's been elected. His answers state the obvious and don't adequately address the question. What is the press to do? Their favorite voodoo pin-doll, ol Bush, is pullin up stakes, and getting answers from you to tough questions is like having to sit in a concert hall for 2 hours with a wedgie and needing to urinate. You are going to sound so absolutely redundant and brainless before inauguration that they are going to try and amuse themselves with your comments and quotes. You'll be the presidential joke. 

more power to the press!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I'm worn out from all this posting today. But something I started to write about a couple weeks ago strikes as still particularly important to point out. Start w/ Biden. Biden said point blank in the primaries that Obama is not ready to lead the country as president. When George Stephenopolus (sorry, not going to take the time to check out that spelling right now) asked him about that statement in a later democratic primary debate, he affirms he said and meant it: "I stand by the statement." At one point he even goes so far as to say that he'd rather run with McCain--would be a better choice. Check it out for yourself:

And the thing is that if you notice the way he looked at Biden while he said that about Obama to Stephenopolus (whatever, sp), you can almost see the clogs turning in his mind. Biden didn't even make it to the final rounds of the primaries, but Obama asked him to be his running mate. In other words,  I believe Obama chose Biden to make him eat his words--what to him is "eat shit, Biden!"

Hillary Clinton is no exception. During the campaign two things happened that I want to mention. The first is Obama saying that he would ask Hillary to be a member of his staff when he becomes president. Now, the way he looked at Biden above, and the way he so confidently foretells his own win and his simultaneous appointment of Hillary, one almost has to ask the rigged election question, but I'm not going to do conspiracy mania hear now. (I'll save that for Fitzgerald, Jessie Jr, Resko, and Blagojevich--who is an interesting fella & cute--I hope to heavens they nip this sham of a president elect before he gets into office.) The second shitty thing is that Obama said some harsh stuff about Hillary's foreign experience. Made light of it. Called it tea time. Then this unbelievable piece of shit turns around and makes her Secretary of State. He's a con artist. Furthermore, the belittling of her accomplishments abroad, given the appointment, is as good as sayin that he never meant anything he said about her--at least with regard to foreign policy--during the primaries. Rather than Hillary this time, Obama simply belittled and made light of the reporter's question. Obama knows that the press "just wants to have fun." Uh, hello, we **are** entitled to know if you are just a dildo full of shit! Well, I already knew that, but anyway... The press is all you have dumb ass. Give him rope! Give him rope! Let him do his own self in with them, too.

Here it is, Obama's Clinton Cabinet:

Here is Obama trying to explain how he could have belittled Hillary's foreign resume and subsequently give her Secretary of State. Another press member asks Obama to discuss the relationship between he and Hillary and how he made his decision, and he says "it was not a 'light bulb' moment," too bad for you LIAR! You never meant anything you said. It was all win win win Obama Obama me, and now that you are finally being asked questions, you still have nothing substantive to say. By george, you didn't even really answer the specific questions--you merely dismissed them and said the same things again and again. Emphasizing your lack of detailed knowledge about the goings on in your country and with our troops abroad. You dodged every Pakistan question, wouldn't speculate on how to approach the recent situation in Mumbai, but you did make it perfectly clear, you narcissistic wretch, that it would be your vision they would implement, but that the ultimate decision would come down to you. Really? You'd actually have to read up on current affairs instead of scheming and plotting on how to take and covet more power you freak!

Folks Obama is an I have said, am saying now, will say again, and it's all horse hockey!

Here's the really f-ed up thing, though--Hillary and Biden, shame on you both! Hillary, shame on you for allowing this jack ass to pull you out of the senate where you were building a reputable career. And you let Obama have his damned strategic way: Hill--you cannot run for president in 2012 if you are dipshit's nigger. And trust me, he'll make you one. Just ask Jessie Jackson, Sr. about how he talks **down** to blacks. (Jessie Jackson, Sr. said he wanted to cut Obama's--and I quote--"nuts off." end quote :o!) Hillary, you just signed up to pull the plough on your back with Obama perched atop it. Jesus, Hill. You know he's just this tempter. You all are so power hungry that you are clammering for whatever is left like some emaciated mice over a crumble of cheese. Power--the crack of DC. Good grief!

Biden. Obama made you look like a total fool. You are like his f-n puppet now. You seemed a mature thoughtful leader alone, but not in the presence of Obama. Sorry Joe--you are officially Obama's nigger and can't bounce back. You appear to me like a rather vacant teenage boy who just touched a girl's booby for the first time. Hee-hee. "Obama, can I lick your ass, Obama?" Hey, I believe Larry Sinclair over that lying snake in the whole any day of the week, so Biden, can you lick Obama's ass? Sure, but he'd prefer you wait until he picks up a few rocks in Cracktown. Publically you appear so emasculated at this juncture that you needn't worry about a future bid for presidency. Not only did Obama cover keeping Hillary out of the running against him, but your ass bit the dust and more followed... Bill Richardson. It's nauseating! And now these states have vacant senate seats and the scurry is on to fill the democratic before it's too late. Yet again, Obama puts self ahead of the 50 (or in his case 57--that's what he said in Oregon, remember: "I've travelled to every corner of the United States. Been to 57 states so far? I think. And one to go--oh, but not Alaska or Hawaii--my staff wouldn't justify it." Uh. Did you really go to Punahou? That's an awfully nice private high school for such a nit-wit like yourself.


I wish I had a nickel for every time that Obama declares his past statments with the following: "as I have said." Sometimes he feels it necessary to qualify that phrase with when and where he said it. Sometimes he doesn't. So does Obama look in the mirror as he shaves everyday and say things soley for the purpose of being able to say that he has said it: "as I have said." In fact, in the coming days I am going to try and put together a whole chronological series of his statements, most of which are transparent lies, but it's the douche-bags who voted for him anyway. To bad we couldn't go to popular instead of electoral votes, because McCain would have won. And while his mistreatment of fiery, decent Sarah Palin, really ticked me off, he (McCain--let's be clear) is the lesser of the two evils, which is what we choose more often than not when we pick a candidate, because they all have ulterior motives, no matter if their intentions are also to do good.

But, beware of Obama's intro: "as I have said (+qualifier here when/where if at all)," because more than likely it's going to be the segway into a rewriting of Obama's history. It serves him well, because once he has said everything there is to say about a specific issue, he's been all things to all people. It's just so fucking sad that the US is now a nation of Obama sheeple. People, and my generation is so guilty of this, so I'm not pointing any fingers but it's true, people are so tuned in to only what they want to hear--so ego centric and selfish--that they don't bother to listen beyond that at any given point. So now we have a nation of sheeple living in glass houses, and at any given moment the bs Obama dream is nothing. Four years from now, see if you public assistance voter neanderthals--the brian dead--the materialist--the sheeple--have actually gotten your "tax cut" that was to be a credit paid out into your hand. See if we've really made any strides toward energy independence. See if we have been kept safe. See if we still have civil liberties and that the justices appointed by Obama haven't totally screwed our founding father's vision for Obama's, totally and permanently screwing our beloved constitution. Barry Abomination will have bigger fish to fry, so let's see if our states still have intact state gun laws or does Obama and, subsequently his justices read 4rth amendment as meaning something totally other than what is plain.

When we have another 9/11 and my loved one--or yours--is killed, I'm going to call you freaks out on this horrible trainwreck of a person for whom you voted. 

Oh yea, my original topic (how I digressed!), start counting: "as I have said," including any qualifier and play this little game (youtube is a great resource for this) called catch the mulado bastard in a lie. "As I have said" is your clue, why, you'll be singing liar liar pants on fire for at least (and heaven forbid 8) 4 upcoming years.

Ps. If you find that Obama is achieving something he promised, or finds a solution to a problem, mark my word: he will take credit for it although someone in his cabinet actually did the work. Mark, too: if he fails in any of his endeavors he will do one of two things--if he can, by default, he'll blame it on Bush. If he can't do that, he'll then blame someone in his office. But he will prefer the former of the two, because this man is SO unbelievably cocky and full of his own shit that he actually hates the thought of pointing out a cabinet member as a mistake, b/c, well, he did pick them after all. See, Obama doesn't admit his mistakes b/c in a world of lies, there is no point in truth, and that making him perfect, of course, he's made no mistake.


Our heavenly Father is doing a lot right now to right some very pained hearts. Thank you, John Walsh, for all you have done for us. Your son is with God, and the heavens look down on you with immense love, gratitude, and God seeks to heal you. He called you into his bidding. You fought fearlessly against the evil God abhors. You comforted many who grieved. You were empathetic. You were loving to your country. When God spoke to you, you listened. You did what was right. The best you could. You are not only a patriot, you are God's gift. You found direction in your pain. You turned to God and did not let go. Inspired, I will work harder to be more like you. You are very close to Christ. He treasures the life in you--the humanity of your person and in the conduct of your life. God bless & keep you and little Adam's mother.

The Goldmans. Halleluia! OJ went away.

These two separate events are held together by a thin string, but when that involves God it might as well be steel cable.

And thanks be do God for showing the non-believers what immense love and care you have for those in need, those who grieve, those whose heart is broken.

 still pending in God as Atlas with the whole world in his hands...

Justice for Caylee. Closure for George and Cindy (they must face the unbearable truth).

And the least of these is a petty one by a petty man, who lied about his faith to a whole country. Who can't get through one press meeting without telling a lie. 
Obama, God's upset with you, but you have too much arrogance, pride, and are too self absorbed to catch the opportunity to right yourself before it's too late. You are an unknown risky quantity. The OJ story holds a lesson for you: get with God now, or you may find yourself finally humbled by losing everything dear to you, which--as far as I can see it--is the Presidency.


Well, the press are finally putting the heat on omniscient-Obama. They are slowly getting the big picture--Obama doesn't know what he's doing. They won't leave him alone about Blagojevich, and now they see a theme emerging.

Remember now, Obama started off by saying that a) he had no contact with the governor (but we know that he must have had contact even if by proxy, because Blagojevich referenced his disappointment with the President-Elect for being willing to give only appreciation for appointing his good friend, Valerie Jarrett). Then he said b)at no time did he and the governor discuss his senate seat (thus implying that he had contact with the governor even if not on that topic, which means that "a" above, is a flat out lie. c) And now he's hiding behind the prosecutor's request, which he probably begged to get, because we now know through a press leak that his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel has had that conversation for Obama, allegedly supplying Blagovich a list of names that would be acceptable to Obama.

Anyway you dice this, Obama has lied--not once but 3 times--and not just on this matter. In an interview during the campaign. Here is a video with back to back flip flops all juxtaposed. Word!

Today he was hurling compliments to whatever press member he calls on, "my good friend from way back" and such. He sort of brown-nosed before the inquisition; however, it didn't deter the press from persistent questions about what involvement the Obama camp may have had with Blagojevich. And see, they know he's lying. They called him out on campaigning for transparency and now withholding information. Campbell brown called him out on laughing at the press who questioned him on the rather blatant inconsistency between appointing Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State and the statements he made previously during the campaign, which trivialized her foreign policy experience as "tea time" with world leaders. He consistently talks down to the press, and he should beware, because they can take him down. See, the truth is that Obama's in power now, and his whole campaign simply vanished. He will lie, as he's doing in the Blagojevich thing now, and has in the past, prefacing the new version of the "truth" with an "as I have said." Obama, you must have early dementia, because it seems you always remember your previous statement rather differently than the rest of the country.

And one more thing: you know that press conference he had today on his energy and agriculture heads? He did alright reading his speech in the beginning, but he didn't answer the question raised by one female reporter about what he meant by describing his energy team as different, to name the two energy resources of top priority, and would he drill for oil on federal lands.

Of course he doesn't know squat about any of this, so you better betcha he sounded rather patronizing as he repeated over and over in different words each time how he had soundly delegated the responsibility of answering those very questions to his new cabinet members. He either was extremely insulting to the intelligence of the press audience, or lacks the wit to understand how the excellent vocabulary he has does little to cover his lack of knowledge and more likely highlights the lack of substantive value in his words than camouflage that lack.

It's gettin' good! You know what I hope? Not everything in the Blagojevich scandal has come out yet, but with Resko in the mix, I'll bet Obama doesn't walk away unscathed. He was mad at Obama for his appreciation and nothing more, but now the question is--if he was not pandering to Blago, then why oh why would Emmanuel give Blago a list of favorites? Could it be that Patrick Fitzgerald is savy enough to realize that all Obama needs is some rope, and he'll hang himself? Wouldn't that be a great Christmas gift to our country?

Laughing my ass off, Obama, watching you squirm like the worm you are!

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Ok. Now this is just incredible. The last time I posted, I was railing about OJ and the gift God gave to the Goldman family doubling as a stern warning to us all. Our country is in huge trouble, and we are all just sitting in a handbasket to hell. 

Yep. OJ was God's doing in God's time. Why? To assert his presence. How? How bout this: it's no mere coincidence that OJ's guilty verdict came 13 years to the very day of his double murder acquittal. I mean, if you are really convinced that was some fluke or governed by some physics or otherwise, you have to realize the probability for such a phenomenon is laughably small. The trial was set for another day. This day was not conjured by a judge, a prosecutor, or the defense. It was God's doing. He wants credit for this. He wants all of our attention. He is still working on us to that end.

Case in point: Caylee Anthony. Casey Anthony. This monster of a mother with a pretty face thought she would coast through this one. Thought they'd never find the body. Thought she was smarter than the cops. Thought she could just string her family along for as long as she needed to get an acquittal and live her life "la bella vida." Her tattoo testifies to this. But you know what? God is merciful to her parents George and Cindy. God told them the truth. God's with Caylee, and they now will have some closure, be able to start to grieve. It's not Casey's Christmas, it's Caylee's. Now these people know the truth, and maybe they can finally sleep, and it's now Casey who can't sleep. It's Casey who deserves the loss, to put it as Shakespeare did in Macbeth, "of nature's balm." Now the devil's minion come in to save her in the court. But I think God'll have his say about that, too. Dr. Henry Lee will, over time, be eroded as a celebrity forensics expert. He'll start to be perceived as the shifty eyed devil's lover he every bit is. Mrs. Baden will start to appear the whore of Babylon--the whore with the golden chalice of blood in Revelation. These people are disgusting. The blood money--they just lap it up. They can save a murderer's ass, but they can't save their own souls. What a shame! Suck it up, Casey! You may very well be death row contestant #2, as there is only one female on Florida's death row right now. You'll be giving up all the sex with boys you surely loved, so lucky for you you'll have someone, even if it is a girl, to fool around with.

Now, the Obama freak-fools may believe anything this man says, but that's because they are foolish. This unbelievable silver-tongued snake lied his way through a campaign for presidency, and knows he's lying to the faces of America's public before he even starts his presidency. But somebody's damn sick of his corrupt mouth and the ease with which he lies. Remember Satan offered Christ the world as a temptation but Christ didn't take it. The problem is that Obama is no "one." In fact he's no better than a liar and crook. And he's responsible for the company that he keeps. Didn't everyone hear this admonishment from their mom at one point or another in their lives? Believe me, there is a machine in DC that wants Obama's ass in a sling, and I'm not convinced that the Clinton's are not behind this. And I'm convinced that God has set this ball in motion. Obama now has miles of God-given rope with which he will surely hang his self. Obama the great is going to be a fallen Obama. I think Blagojevich has it in for Obama, and plans to kick the stool out from under him after he ties the noose.

God doesn't take kindly to people who use Christianity as a platform for their politics. First, I don't believe Obama is Christian anyway, and second, if he ever had the faith, he sort of shit on it so much that it's unidentifiable except as crap.

Friday, December 5, 2008


Well folks, we've known this day would come either here in the USA or in the hereafter. People, one nation--this great nation--under God is both a blessing to count and a reason to count them all.

The inevitable day has come and gone, and for the Goldman family, it is at long last. In our heart of hearts we knew the truth, even when the initial jury was blind, and I doubt anyone was shocked to see the outcome of OJ's second trial. We've secretly or not so secretly been anticipating it ever since the outcome of the first. Perhaps we didn't know if it would happen here in the United States of America or in the afterlife, but regardless, it did happen. And it happened in God's just time and God's own nation, the nation whose justice was established under Him.

God needed to raise His great Hand and reaffirm His mighty presence at this Christmas time. And His plan for OJ puts our nation's eyes once again on God almighty. The time for God is ripe, and if one timely though late (however counter intuitive that sounds) call to justice can succeed in reminding an entire nation of God's importance to our survival, we may not need, like OJ did, to be stripped of liberty and forced to meditate upon our maker because of our resistance to do so freely. The question is this: will the microcosm of the OJ sentencing resonate in the mind and hearts of America the larger meaning to which this small triumph is equally applicable?

God gave the Goldman family the greatest gift they could have had this Christmas. And in doing so, God has blessed us all with a call to wake up, lest what befell OJ befall this great country.
Christmas highlights the importance of God in our lives and in this Country. God gives everyone, even OJ, the freedom to make mistakes and to learn from them. If we choose, like OJ did, not to reform, then in His great love for us, His children, He may choose to strip us of that freedom. For OJ, we can only hope that the restriction of his mind to his crimes, and to the mistakes he has made, will finally cause him to take responsibility for his actions, and to realize that he is at fault and can only blame his own self for his situation, but more importantly, we hope OJ will get some jailhouse faith and realize that this fate, far from being a mere punishment, is a blessing from a loving God who hopes that he will choose to right his relationship with God before he leaves this earth.

Now, if America was watching God's hand in both OJ's and the Goldman's lives during this latest episode of OJ's crime and punishment, then perhaps it will see that God has deliberately and overtly asserted His very existence. God is nowhere in this nation if not in our justice system. Likewise, such a display should sound a warning to us all, because if we continue to let atheists launch their assaults on our founding fathers' faith during the season which celebrates Christ (hence Christmas), then God will take His own issue and His own remedy against that treason. And He may very well choose to do so by doing away with a nation that no longer honors its pledge, literally, which is to be a nation under Him. God may take our wealth, our lives, and ultimately our collective liberty. 

How easy it is to forget that the truths our founding fathers held to be "self-evident" are the very truths for which it was necessary to pledge an allegiance to be a "nation under God." God, ultimately, is the one who gives humans the right or the absence of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Will America reform its immorality or is this nation's destiny that of Sodom and Gomorrah? Will America be a pillar or will it become a pillar of salt?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Here's Obama explaining why he won't be running for president in 2008. No one could have articulated it any better. Why? Very simple answer: Obama believes in "knowing what you are doing when you apply for a job." And he seems to think that he should actually serve his first and only senate term being a senator rather than being absent from the senate during his first and only senate term while campaigning for president. 

Now if you voted for Obama and this is news to you, then you may not have been listening carefully enough. And, by default, if you voted for Obama you were probably only listening to what he said, and not nearly close enough.

Listen to Obama now that it's too late to know who it is for whom you are voting. And next time know something about the candidates before you vote or do us all a huge favor and stay away from the polls!

You now have everything you need to feel responsible for being a douche-bag and voting for one!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


"Tell 'em Billy Maize sent ya." 
I'll tell them you sent me alright--sent me the hell away! I change the channel--I turn the TV completely off. How the hell have you been talking company after company into letting you do their commercials? It started with Oxy-Clean and the mighty putty shit. Now your on TV pitching insurance and all sorts of As-Seen-On-TV offers. Where does it end? For me, it ends the moment you open your big ass mouth and say, "Hi, Billy Maize here." That's my cue to grab the remote. Then, after you've been yelling your head off for two minutes, I'll return to the regularly scheduled program. It gets annoying to have to change the channel every other break because of you, but it's better than the alternative! 
"Tell 'em Billy sentchya."
Look, if a company feels that it has to hire the screaming man to shout up their product, then I ain't buyin'. On the contrary, I am boycotting any company lame enough to hire you, and hoping that they will fail so that, ultimately, you appear in commercial-land no-mo!